
ME'EVER LA'NAHAR (Across the river)

Titre Original ME'EVER LA'NAHAR
Titre traduit Across the river
Réalisateur DROR
Distribution Go2Films
Production SHAVIT
Année 2009
Durée 70'
Langue Heb. Amharic st. Heb. Ang.
Musique Haim Frank ILFMAN
Résumé Moshe Rakhamim porte un lourd fardeau sur ses épaules. Pendant des années, il a expliqué et prêché, et pourtant, le virus VIH omniprésent continue de tuer dans la communauté éthiopienne. Contre la politique de «silençage» de l'Autorité de la Santé Publique et le déni de sa propre communauté, Moshe s'est donné pour mission d'exposer la maladie et d'empêcher sa propagation. Moshe Rachamim carries a great burden upon his shoulders. For years he has been explaining and preaching, and yet, the pervasive HIV virus keeps killing in the Ethiopian community. Against the "silencing" policy of the Public Health Authority and the denial of his own community, Moshe sets out on a mission to expose the disease and stop it from spreading. As no HIV positive is willing to stand out publicly, Moshe goes back to his native Ethiopia, seeking for help and answers. He finds thousands of Ethiopians who have been uprooted from their villages, waiting for years in compounds in the city of Gondar. They are waiting to immigrate to Israel, but their future is threatened by the virus and by the indecisions regarding their status. How could all this have happened? This is not what Moshe had dreamed of, when he crossed the river alone and left his village. A journey back to his isolated village reveals a story about a curious young man, who marked the way to the exodus of the Ethiopian Jews, and now, 39 years later, feels he must save his community.
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Festival Jerusalem FF 2009
Genre Documentaire
Auteur du Commentaire
Commentaire d'Imaj

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