

Titre traduit
Réalisateur PELHAM
Distribution Ruth Diskin Films Ltd
Année 2012
Durée 55'
Langue Ang. Heb. Arab. st Ang.
Résumé Quelque 27 000 Bédouins vivent dans des cabanes au bord des routes où les colonies juives se sont multipliées tout au long du désert, limitant le mode de vie nomade des Bédouins. Au cours des quatre dernières décennies, ils ont été poussés dans la vallée près d'une route dangereuse, tandis que des colonies et des avant-postes juifs parsemaient les sommets des collines de Judée. Les cabanes bédouines sont régulièrement démolies par l'administration civile israélienne au motif qu'elles sont construites sans " permis de construire " (impossible à obtenir). Ce film suit un homme particulier qui se bat au nom des personnes privées de leurs droits. Shlomo Lecker est un avocat israélien qui défie tous les stéréotypes. C'est un Juif qui se bat pour les Bédouins arabes. C'est un Israélien qui conteste la justice israélienne. Cet israélien solitaire prétend avoir une âme bédouine. Platinum Remi Award – WorldFest Houston, USA, 2012 Some 27,000 Bedouins live in roadside shacks where Jewish settlements have mushroomed up all along the desert limiting the Bedouins’ nomadic way of life. This film follows an unusual man as he struggles on behalf of this disenfranchised people. The plan will eventually evacuate an estimated 27,500 Bedouins living in the West Bank, which Israel occupied in 1967. They were displaced from the southern Negev desert around 1950 shortly after the creation of Israel. In what’s seen as a gradual process since the 1970s, state-sponsored Jewish settlements mushroomed up all along the desert, limiting the Bedouins’ nomadic way of life. Over the past four decades they were pushed down the valley close to a hazardous highway while Jewish settlements and outposts dotted the Judean hilltops. The Bedouin shacks are routinely demolished by the Israeli Civil Administration on the grounds that they are built without (impossible to get) ‘building permits’. Shlomo Lecker is an Israeli lawyer who defies all stereotypes. He is a Jew who fights for the Arab Bedouins. He is an Israeli who challenges the Israeli judiciary. The film explores Lecker’s personal relationship with his clients – the lone Israeli who claims that he has a Bedouin soul. The twist in the story and the interesting polarities of his character are revealed when the director confronts him in his house – formerly abandoned by Palestinian refugees in 1948. ‘Land for the Nomads’ narratively observes issues that are between the personal and the national, the modern and the traditional, the exotic and the familiar, with irony and humor that make the film accessible to a wider audience.
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Festival WorldFest Houston, USA, 2012
Genre Documentaire
Auteur du Commentaire
Commentaire d'Imaj

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