
IN THE SHADOW (Dans l'ombre)

Titre Original IN THE SHADOW
Titre traduit Dans l'ombre
Réalisateur ONDRICEK
Distribution Israeli Films
Année 2012
Durée 106'
Langue Tcheq. Pol. All. st Ang.
Interprètes Ivan Trojan, Sebastien Koch, Sona Norisova
Résumé Prague, 1953. Le capitaine de police Jarda Hakl (Ivan Trojan) enquête sur un cambriolage de bijouterie apparemment banal, mais va découvrir les efforts déployés d’agents de sécurité de l’Etat pour placer en détention et éliminer des citoyens juifs. Alors qu’il se rend compte que les charges retenues contre eux sont infondées, Hakl se lance seul dans une guerre contre un régime impitoyable renforcé par l’arrivée de l’ex-officier nazi Zenke, envoyé en renfort sur cette affaire. Official entry of Czech Republic to the best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards 2013 - Lauréat des prix du Meilleur film, Meilleur acteur, Meilleur réalisateur, Meilleur scénario, Meilleure photographie, Meilleure bande originale, Meilleur montag Prague, 1953. Communist leader Klement Gottwald has died leaving behind him chaos, fear and an economy on the brink of ruin. His successors are preparing a monetary reform to save the dying economy but it will result in the greatest rip-off in European history. First they must find a scapegoat for the worsening economic crisis and then the soviets will orchestrate a trial to divert the nation'a attention away from the monetary reform. Meanwhile, Captain Hakl is assigned to a mundane robbery at a goldsmith’s shop. Hakl, who served during the First Republic and the Nazi occupation, is now a member of the Communist police force. Politics don‘t interest him – he knows that crime is the underbelly of any system. But it is precisely his loyalty and desire for the truth that lead him to understand that this mundane case is more complicated than it seems. Hakl has done his job and now State Security, the Stasi, will take care of the rest. But Haki is too solid a policeman to overlook the discrepancies that have been revealed in this case. Rather than receiving praise for his thoroughness, he is surprised to be reassigned – a specialist in Zionist crime, a Major Zenke from East Germany, is called in to replace him. Hakl begins to suspect the Zenke‘s arrival is no coincidence. When all the evidence suddenly point to the leadership of the Jewish Community,which is accused of ordering the robbery to support the Zionist movement, Hakl begins investigating on his own.
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Festival Rochester JFF 2013 - Manhattan JFF 2014 - JCC Roc
Genre Fiction
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