

Titre Original THE FIELD
Titre traduit
Réalisateur VARDI
Distribution JMT films
Production Veradim Productions Ltd
Année 2017
Durée 82'
Langue Heb. Arab. Ang. st Heb. Arab. Ang.
Musique Avi Belleli
Résumé Gush Etzion est la jonction entre Jérusalem et Hevron: Ali Abu Awwad a sacrifié son champ pour y établir un e centre palestinien pour la non-violence. li crée des "Roots" avec des colons israélienspour faire progresser la responsabilité et permettre la réconciliation politique. Gush Etzion Junction, between Jerusalem and Hevron: Ali Abu Awwad dedicates his family’s field as a Palestinian Center for Non-violence. Despite his life experience, four years in an Israeli prison, his mother’s five year sentence, a brother killed by an Israeli soldier- Ali creates “Roots” with local Israeli settlers, advancing responsibility and grassroots work to enable political reconciliation. The director, a resident of Gush Etzion, accompanies the initiative for 2.5 years and documents the changes transpiring on both sides. In 2015, Etzion Junction suffers a wave of violence and the activists face a reality where their own relatives are being attacked.
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Festival docAviv 2017
Genre Documentaire
Auteur du Commentaire
Commentaire d'Imaj

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